Welcome to Bideford Bowling Club
We are looking forward to the 2025 bowling season and have a full fixture list.
You are more than welcome to come along to any of the games advertised on our list.
We have club nights every Monday during the season why don't you come along and meet our members
The Bideford Tournament for 2025
The Bideford Tournament for 2024 was a great success and if you would like to enter the 2025 tournment,
the application form is now ready for you to download. We look forward to seeing you next year.
The club constitution is in the process of being updated so we encourage all members to look at the changes and have a chance to have your say and input into the potential changes that are being put forward. Please have a look at the changes being proposed. The documents can be found by clicking on the link below.
37 Chingswell Street
EX39 2NG
Telephone - 07518 903118
Club Secretary
Bideford Bowling Club was founded in 1889. It has been located adjacent to The Strand, Bideford since the early thirties and is now known colloquially as ‘Bideford Strand Bowling Club’. It is owned by the members and has been a mixed club since 1997.
The clubhouse was rebuilt in 1993 and has a seating capacity for over seventy. It has a modern kitchen and fully stocked bar. The green is acknowledged to be amongst Devon’s best.
A tour in June is arranged most years and a tournament is held each year in early August.
Throughout the outdoor bowling season the club has a very busy schedule. Games at Club, County and National level ensure that members have the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive selection of home and away games, ranging from friendly to competitive.
Short mat bowling is available during the winter months for present and approved past outdoor bowling members.
We give a high priority to ensuring that all our visitors are given a warm welcome and an enjoyable time whilst with us.
New members are always assured of a friendly welcome. Experienced bowlers and those new to the game will be given every assistance to ensure that they obtain the maximum benefits from the activities in which they choose to participate.
Social events are arranged throughout the year.

2020 Bideford Bowling Club. All rights reserved.